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    Introducci贸 a la col路lecci贸 de teixits coptes del Museu Episcopal de Vic

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    Amb motiu de la recent inauguraci贸 del nou edifici del Museu Episcopal de Vic, duta a terme l鈥檃ny 2002, es van poder presentar al p煤blic en les sales d鈥檈xposici贸 permanent les peces m茅s significatives de la col路lecci贸 de teixits coptes del Museu. Durant l鈥檃ny 2006 les restauradores Carmen Masdeu Costa i Luz Morata Garc铆a han dut a terme la restauraci贸 de cinc fragments coptes i un teixit fatimita de la col路lecci贸 del Museu. En el present article exposen el proc茅s d鈥檃questa restauraci贸 aix铆 com les mesures de conservaci贸 preventiva adoptades. Rosa Maria Mart铆n fa una introducci贸 sobre el proc茅s de formaci贸 d鈥檃questa col路lecci贸 copta del MEV. The recent inauguration of the new Museu Episcopal building in Vic, which took place in 2002, provided the opportunity for the most significant pieces in the museum鈥檚 collection of Coptic textiles to be exhibited to the public in its permanent exhibition rooms. In the course of 2006, restorers Carmen Masdeu Costa and Luz Morata Garc铆a completed the restoration of five Coptic fragments and a Fatimid textile from the museum鈥檚 collection. In the present article they discuss these restoration processes, as well as the preventive preservation measures adopted. Rosa Maria Mart铆n provides an introduction to the development of this Coptic collection at the MEV